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Horse in Sign Language – Video & Image Included

Lead Academy
4 Mins Read

Today we’ll learn to say Horse in sign language. Horse signs are different for most of the sign languages. But we’ll just discuss British Sign Language or BSL today. If you’re not familiar with BSL, it’s the language that the deaf community or those hard of hearing uses for communication in Great Britain.

It has five mastery levels, with one being the most basic and six being the most proficient. In case you’re wondering, the math here is correct. There are five levels in total from one to six, as there is no Level five.

So you’ll learn the names of common animals in BSL Level 1. The horse is one of them.

So, let’s teach you how to sign horse in BSL.

Horse in Sign Language

Watch the videos we linked below. There are multiple variations. We understand they can be confusing. But don’t worry. Just go through them once so you’ll have a better idea of what the steps look like.

Before we get into our topic, let us clear one thing first. If you’re not aware, BSL is a two-handed language.

Consider your hands to be a pen and a piece of paper. Your dominant hand is the pen, while your non-dominant hand is the paper. It is also known as the base hand. When you sign, it’ll look like you’re writing on your base hand with your dominant hand.

However, not all signs are two-handed. Some words also have multiple versions of them. Horse is such a word. If you’ve seen the videos, you know there are three versions of the word.

Let’s go through all of them.

Horse in BSL

Please follow the steps outlined below:

Sign language tutor seated in a room with blue blackground

1. Start with a normal posture.

Sign language tutor seated in a room with blue background with both his hands curled up in a fist

2. Raise both hands to your chest. Keep them in fists, like in the image above.

Sign language tutor showing hand gestures to sign Horse in British Sign Language

3. Now roll them forward to backwards in a circular motion. Watch the video again for reference. If you’ve ever seen someone rowing a kayak, the sign looks almost the same.
4. Repeat the motion twice.
5. Say the word as you’re signing it.

So, that’s the first version of the word. Let’s now see the second version. This is the one-handed version of the word.

Male tutor seated on a chair in his office room

1. Start with a normal posture again.

A male teacher seated in a chair with his left hand raised

2. With the index finger of your dominant hand, point at your forehead like the image above. Keep you rest of the fingers, from your middle finger to your pinky and the thumb, in a fist.

A male teacher seated in a chair with his index finger of the left hand pointed towards the right

3. Now roll the hand in front of you with the index still pointing.

A male teacher with his index finger of the left hand pointed towards the right and placed near the chin

4. After the roll, rest the finger on your chin. See the video for reference.

5. Remember to say the word when you’re signing it.

Another horse BSL Sign Video

Now let’s move on to the third and the last version of the word.

Female tutor standing still in a white room

1. Keep a normal posture.

Woman has both her hands curled up in a fist with the right fist on top of the left

2. Raise both your hand up to your chest. Make a fist on both of them. Now Rest your dominant hand’s fist on top of your base hand’s fist. It’ll look like you’re holding an oar with both hands.

3. Now roll your hands as if you’re rowing. Watch the video for reference.
4. Repeat the motion thrice.
5. Say the word as you’re signing it.


So, that’s how we say Horse in sign language. As you can see, there are three versions of the word. Two of them need both our hands to sign while the other one doesn’t. This is why visibility is key in sign language, especially BSL, where there are a lot of words that need both our hands to sign. If your audience can’t clearly see you, they’ll get confused, or worse, misinterpret the word for something offensive. Always keep a smile on your face too. You’ll quickly establish a connection with your audience with just a simple, sweet smile.

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