Learn about the tutor and the course.
CBT & Therapeutic Principles
What is CBT (the CBT Model), what nice guidelines, the therapeutic alliance, trust and empathy and ethics of the therapy?
The Psychology & Causations of Eating Disorders
Know about the psychology & causes of eating disorders, eating disorders categorisations, core Psychopathology of eating disorders, co-morbid psychiatric Illness, social and family factors, cognitive factors and emotional factors.
Assessment & Planning
This section covers the first session: assessment, dietary and nutritional issues, setting goals with the client and motivational factors.
CBT in Practise
Working With Anxiety, the Socratic approach (Socratic Questioning), Psychoeducation, the ‘exposure’ technique, cognitive restructuring, working with beliefs (Shape, Weight, Food) and behavioural experiments.
Reviewing & Wrapping Up
Designing and reviewing action plans, concluding therapy successfully, follow up and relapse prevention and lastly, thank you and goodbye!