You will learn what Idioms are and why we must learn them; more about this course, idioms and phrases unit 1, shoot yourself in the foot, my lips are sealed, hit the nail on the head, and tighten someone’s belt. Here, you will further comprehend frog in the throat, slip someone’s mind, lose someone’s face, come rain or shine, turn yourself in, cost an arm and leg, homie, give someone the cold shoulder, and more. Therefore, you will also gain insights into the following:
- 13 Have an Egg on Someone’s Face
- 14 Get Butterfly In Someone’s Stomach
- 15 Throw Someone’s Money Around
- 16 Play Innocent
- 17 Kick Someone Out
- 18 Turn Someone’s Stomach
- 19 Not Cut Out for Something
- 20 to Put the Blame on Someone
Idioms and Phrases Unit 2
You will gain comprehension in hands-off, pass away, cut the deal for my money, burn your bridges, come in handy, come at a price, in broad light, in the mood to do something, and in a jiffy. Furthermore, you will learn in so many words, put your mind to it, joking apart, joking aside, and more. You will also explore the following:
- 34 In Your Dreams
- 35 Green With Envy
- 36 Overstep The Line
- 37 Have a Craving for Something
- 38 Red Herring
- 39 Brush Up on Something
- 40 Clown Around
Idioms and Phrases Unit 3
You will learn top banana, work like a dog, mouse potato, teeny-weeny, take time off, on the eleventh hour, how dare you, hush-hush over someone’s head, and not lift a finger. Moreover, you will also acquire fall behind, make a fuss, that’s no excuse, fender-bender, and more. You will also learn the following:
- 55 Scare Someone to Death
- 56 Come Down to Earth
- 57 Nothing Between The Ears
- 58 Lay An Egg
- 59 Feel Like A Million Dollars
- 60 I Wasn’t Born Yesterday
Idioms and Phrases Unit 4
You will gain knowledge in peanut money, run into, I’ll eat my hat, sing like a bird, blackout, on the tip of someone’s tongue, time flies, tie the knot, something sucks, step on it, creep by, pull someone’s leg, a pain in the neck, and more. Therefore, you will further learn the following:
- 74 Out of The Blue
- 75 Off-Color Jokes
- 76 Heart in The Right Place
- 77 Hush Money
- 78 Chicken Out
- 79 Fill Someone’s Shoes
- 80 Cut It Out
Idioms and Phrases Unit 5
You will understand to Be Off ( food ), makeup ( story ), soak up, make up for someone or something, mistake for something or somebody, own up, be taken aback, break down, hit below the belt, get carried away, make ends meet, look down on someone, and more. Therefore, this module will teach you:
- 93 Drop Off
- 94 All-Nighter
- 95 At The End of Your Rope
- 96 Basket Case
- 97 Cold Feet
- 98 Sell Someone Short
- 99 Go Bananas
- 100 Copycat
Idioms and Phrases Unit 6
You will learn to jump ship, know-it-all, No-Brainer, to mess up with someone, knock on the wood if I get my hands on you, come clean, have a lot in plate, it’s between to our ears, what a mess, I’m all eyes, to have a lot in common, go dutch, and more. This module will also teach you the following:
- 114 Eye- Catching
- 115 Take Your Time
- 116 Go to Bat for Someone
- 117 Touch Guy
- 118 Kick Up Someone’s Heels
- 119 Make A Boo-Boo
- 120 Voracious
Idioms and Phrases Unit 7
You will learn to make a fortune, to be on the go, cool someone’s heels, top dog, road hog, to put someone on a pedestal, bury the hatchet, zip someone’s mouth, ditch someone, henpecked husband, bury the head in the sand, eager beaver, until the cows come home, and worn out. Therefore, you will also learn to drag someone’s feet, keep someone’s feet, bookworm, be an old hand, and have a runny nose, and that’s news to me. This module will also provide you with Idioms and Phrases Unit 8, to have a heart of gold, get it to the point, get out of bed on the wrong side, bark up the wrong tree, have other fish to fry, no offence, two-fisted, to thumb your nose at somebody, I got your 6, act your age, and more. Therefore, you will also learn the following:
- 151 Pig Out
- 152 to Make Up for Something
- 153 to Hell With Something or Somebody
- 154 Hop in
- 155 Cut The Comedy
- 156 Why The Long Face
- 157 Ta-Ta for Now
- 158 The Damage is Done
- 159 Turn on The Waterworks
- 160 Home Sweet Home
Idioms and Phrases Unit 9
You will understand a dead ringer for someone; your wish is my command, just my luck; what’s it to you to answer the call of nature, to be stuffed, not to be on speaking terms, and wear odd shoes/gloves/socks, rise and shine. Here, you will also learn to stand someone up, pangs of conscience, leave it to someone, walk papers, and more. This module will also teach you the following:
- 174 Jump Down Someone’s Throat
- 175 to Soak Someone
- 176 to Have A Screw Loose
- 177 to Blow The Fuse
- 178 Hit And Miss
- 179 Eat Like A Horse
- 180 Not in The Same Wavelength
Idioms and Phrases Unit 10
You will learn to eat your words, from A To Z, as white as a sheet, find someone’s feet, wind your neck in, save someone’s neck, it’s beyond your dignity, you are over the hump, rainy day, to have a big mouth, not in a good mood, dog days, and more. Furthermore, you will acquire knowledge in the following:
- 194 to Stab Somebody in The Back
- 195 to Get A Kick Out of Something
- 196 Feel Under The Weather
- 197 Pipe Down
- 198 Never Say Die
- 199 Get in Someone’s Hair
- 200 Cat Got Your Tongue