The Functional Skills Pearson Edexcel Qualification in Mathematics Level 1 consist of one externally assessed assessment that comprises two sections- a non-calculator section (calculator prohibited) and a calculator section (calculator permitted).
The assessments are available as paper-based and onscreen, on-demand assessments.
Section A (Non-calculator) |
Awarding Bod | Exam Duration | Total Marks | Questions Cover |
Pearson Edexcel | 2o minutes | 6 | 25% |
Section B (Calculator) |
Awarding Body | Exam Duration | Total Marks | Questions Cover |
Pearson Edexcel | 1 hour | 18 | 75% |
Each Maths assessment is designed to enable a minimally competent learner to achieve a pass mark of 36 out of 60. However, the awarding process will determine specifically where the pass mark sits for each assessment version. Therefore, the pass mark may vary between assessments.