How IT Works
- Welcome to the course! You can join the Facebook group if you want; itโs a great resource. In this module, you will learn how cupping works, what types of cups you should buy, a run down on how to do cupping on someoneโs back, the contraindications to cupping, and other essential concepts.
It’s Cupping Time! the Upper Body and Limbs
In this module, you will learn about neck pain or neck tension, including how to do cupping for the neck pain or neck tension. Therefore, you will also gain knowledge about how to do cupping for rotator cuff and shoulder problems, extension exercises for upper back pain relief, how to do cupping for tennis elbow and extension pain, and more. Furthermore, you will also learn about:
- How to Treat Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Golferโs Elbow and Forearm Pain
- Home Exercises for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
- Advanced Techniques for the Arms and Forearms
- Hand/thumb Pain
- Home Trigger Point Release Techniques for Thumb/hand Pain
- How to Do Cupping for Relaxation/Stress Relief
- How to Do a Relaxing Cupping Massage for the Back and Neck
It’s Cupping Time! the Lower Back and Limbs
In this module, you will gain insights into lower back pain and how to do cupping for the lower back and sciatica. Moreover, you will also learn about hip pain, Piriformis syndrome, bursitis, how to do cupping for the hamstrings, thigh pain and groyne strains, how to do cupping thigh and groyne area, calf pain, calf cramps and tired and sore calves. Therefore, you will also learn about:
- How to Stretch the Calf Muscles Correctly
- Advanced Techniques for the Thighs, Hamstrings and the Lower Leg
- Ankle Sprains, Chronic Ankle Pain
- A Quick Word About Treating Acute Sprains and Strains
- How to Do Cupping for Ankle Pain and Sprains
- Treating Chronic Ankle Pain
- Plantar Fasciitis/heel Spur, Foot Pain and Tired Feet
- How to Do Cupping for Plantar Fasciitis and Generalised Foot Pain
- A Great Home Exercise for Plantar Fasciitis and Any Foot Pain and more.
A Word About Acupressure and Also Static Cupping
- What About Using Static Cupping
- Treating Using Acupressure Points as Well