Why Alcohol Personal Licence Holder Course right for you?
The alcohol licensing laws of the United Kingdom regulate the sale and consumption of alcohol. Any organisation, business or individual who wishes to sell alcohol must have a licence. This is obtained from a Licensing Authority.
This course starts with an overview of UK alcohol licensing laws and the importance of promoting the four key licensing objectives.
The three main types of licence are covered, including applications, conditions, representations, and reviews.
You’ll learn about the legal duties of personal licence holders, and how to deal with Licensing Authorities, along with information relating to objections, fees and hearings.
The course will also discuss issues surrounding Temporary Event Notices, and mandatory conditions, which are compulsory for all licensed premises.
It’ll also look in detail at the major issue of age verification – and you’ll learn about the licensing laws and best practices as they apply to children and under 18s.
Finally, it outlines the responsibilities involved in alcohol retailing including drinking guidelines and how to avoid and reduce conflict.
Alcohol Personal Licence Holder Course Details
CPD certificates are accepted by thousands of professional bodies and government regulators here in the UK and around the world. Moreover, many organisations look for employees with CPD requirements, which means, that by doing this course, you would be a potential candidate in your respective field.
- Introduction
- Premises Licences
- Personal Licences and Club Premises Certificates
- Dealing With Licensing Authorities
- Types of Businesses Selling Alcohol
- Representations and Mandatory Conditions
- Licensing Authority Powers
- Children and Under 18s
- Responsibility in Alcohol Retailing
Anyone working in, or wanting a career in the hospitality industry who wants to open up promotion opportunities or to move into a role that requires a personal licence.
- There are no academic entry requirements for this alcohol personal licence holder course, and it is open to students of all academic backgrounds.
- As long as you are aged seventeen or over and have a basic grasp of English, numeracy and ICT, you will be eligible to enrol.
You will be assessed via an online remote invigilated exam that is monitored by the exam body, which can be taken anywhere according to your comfort. You will be invigilated using screen sharing and a webcam, allowing you to receive your alcohol license quicker and easier without the stress and hassle of visiting an exam centre.