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Pink in Sign Language – Video & Image Included

Lead Academy
2 Mins Read

The United Kingdom has recognized British Sign Language (BSL) as a language (UK). The deaf community is the primary user of it. However, it’s becoming increasingly more popular for those who are hearing and want to learn and use the language themselves.

Today we’ll learn the word Pink in sign language. In most sign languages, the Pink sign is different. But today, we’ll just talk about British Sign Language or BSL.

Check out this blog to learn British Sign Language Alphabet.

Pink in Sign Language Alphabet

Let’s briefly go over a few things before we start our main discussion today.

  • Firstly, we need to understand that BSL is a two-handed language. So, what does that mean?

Let’s explain.

In BSL, the pen and paper are represented by both of our hands. Your pen is in your right hand if that is the one you use most often. So naturally, the paper is in your left hand, which is your non-dominant hand. When you sign BSL signs, it will look as if you’re writing something on your non-dominant hand.

Especially in comparison to ASL signs, where we only use one hand for signs, BSL signs require two hands. However, the BSL does not always need two hands to sign every word. For example, we’ll use just one hand to sign the word “Pink.”

  • Secondly, sign languages are completely visual forms of communication. If your audience can’t see you well, communicating will feel like holding a gloved hand over your lips.

It’s important to remember that if your audience can see you clearly, you won’t run the chance of being misunderstood.

So let’s get to our main topic now.

We have linked a video below. Please watch it first. Don’t worry about its pace. We’ll explain it in detail to you.

Please follow the steps we’ll discuss shortly.

BSL interpreter in a normal posture

  1. Start with a normal posture.

BSL interpreter touching her nose

2. Raise your right hand.

3. Now bring the index finger of your right hand next to your nose, as in the picture above and keep rotating.

4. Say the word ‘Pink’ while doing the sign.


So that’s how we say ‘Pink’ in sign language. Follow a consistent practice routine so it becomes forever in your memory. Otherwise, it tends to get erased from our memory quite easily.

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