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Egg in sign language – Video and Image Included

Lead Academy
2 Mins Read

Today, we’re going to learn how to say “egg” in sign language. It’s among one of the essential food items that you’ll learn when learning the signs for food ingredients or cuisines.

It’s not as straightforward as some of the other simple signs like ‘yes’ or ‘no’. However, it’s not complicated either. Just follow our guide, and you’ll easily memorise the process.

To know more about the British Sign Language, check out the blog, How to Learn BSL? Beginner to Advanced.

Egg in Sign Language

Take a look at the video down below.

Don’t worry if it’s too fast for you. We’ll discuss the steps in detail below.

Male BSL interpreter crossing index fingers of both his hands

1. Start with a normal posture.

2. Extend the index fingers of your both hands outwards.

3. Keep your other fingers (from your middle finger to your pinky and thumb) within a fist.

4. Connect both your index fingers’ tip to each other like in the image above.

BSL interpreter with fist of one hand above the other

5. Now curl both your hands into fists.

6. Keep one fist on top of the other like in the image above.

7. Now bang them twice as if you’re hammering them.

8. Say the word ‘egg’ as you’re signing the word.

9. It’s always a good idea to keep a smile on your face while signing.

Check out the difference between American Sign Language and British Sign Language here.


So, that’s how we say ‘egg’ in sign language. Check that the person with whom you are interacting can see you clearly. If the signer’s stance or movements are not clearly evident, anybody might easily misinterpret the sign.

We know ‘egg’ isn’t the most undemanding word to learn, but as you can see, it’s not that complicated. Just mimic the gestures a few times, and you’ll quickly memorise the steps. Also, follow a consistent practice schedule, or you risk forgetting the sign after a while.

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